The NEW STYLE RETRO Master Personal Music Player Door is compatible with Intrasonic RETRO intercom systems. This new door is designed to hold larger phones on the outside of the door that cannot fit inside the master station. The open sided hooks allow for more flexibility for different sized and shaped phones.
Specifications of IntraSonicRETRO-PMPD Retro Personal Music Player Door White
- Warranty-Years 2
Product Q/A of IntraSonicRETRO-PMPD Retro Personal Music Player Door White
There are 1 Questions asked and 1 Answered
Reviews of IntraSonicRETRO-PMPD Retro Personal Music Player Door White
IPod doesn't fit as it should and wire doesn't route behind door well.
iPhone doesn't fit door in the case. iPhone 6 doesn't fit inside compartment.
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