The belt is a replacement belt for various powerheads including Beam RugMaster and other models, Eureka Express and other models, several Fasco models, Nutone 398, 598, and 599, and other brands.
Features of Universal Belt
- Belt Type Flat
Product Q/A of Universal Belt
There are 1 Questions asked and 1 Answered
- Beam - 045378
- Beam - 045376 Rugmaster
- Beam - BM1393AA Rugmaster Plus
- Beam - BM1393A Rugmaster
- Beam - 045367 Rugmaster
- Beam - 045322 Rugmaster Plus
- Beam - 1383K Rugmaster
- Beam - 1393A-B Rugmaster
- Beam - 1176A
- Beam - 1176A Aero III
- Beam - 1386B Rugmaster
- Beam - BM1386A
- Beam - 045320 Rugmaster
- Beam - BM1386AB
- Beam - 045304 Rugmaster Plus
- Beam - 045303 Rugmaster
- Beam - 045302 Rugmaster
- Eureka - E1386J
- Eureka - E1383EZS
- Honeywell - BM1176A
- Honeywell - BM1393A
- Frigidaire - BM1393-1
- NuTone - 398
- NuTone - 598
- NuTone - 599
- Beam - BM1372
- Beam - BM1197
- Beam - BM1197B
Reviews of Universal Belt