The Nutone NA3008C 8-note chime module is no longer available. An exact replacement is the M&S MC8 8-note chime module.
The Nutone 8-note Chime Module is an electronic board that is compatible with the NM100 and NM200 Intercom master stations. To announce a visitor the door bell button is pressed on a door speaker connected to the music/intercom system. The chime can then be heard at the master station or any room and/or patio station.
The Chime Module can be programmed to play one, two, four or eight notes providing you with a different chime at each door station taking the guess work out of which door your visitor is at. The module is installed in the back of the master. The volume can be adjusted. To increase the volume level the dial on the module is turned in the clockwise direction.
Specifications of NuTone Chime Module
- Warranty-Years 2
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Reviews of NuTone Chime Module
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Very easily retrofitted my old 23-year-old system customer service was exceptional
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We have a 3-wire system. So you can either have chime or music, talk/listen. We wanted the music.