Universal CK350R Deluxe Electric Central Cleaning Kit Pigtail
Brand: Universal| Model Number: CK350R | Product SKU: 11029 | What's in the box?
The Deluxe Electric Accessory Kit provides all of the components and attachments necessary to clean a home with both smooth floors and carpet/rugs. The 12" smooth floor brush with natural bristles is used to clean hardwood, tile and other bare floors. The other attachments can be used to clean table tops, baseboards, upholstery and crevices. The Hose Sock protects walls and furniture from damage while cleaning. This package includes a tool caddy so you can carry your wands with you while you clean, and a tool bag for convenient storage of your central vacuum accessories. The hose hanger can be mounted in a closet or other area for storage of the hose.
The Deluxe Electric Accessory Kit also includes a Wessel-Werk powerhead with a Chevron brush roll that is in constant contact with the floor while cleaning. This allows for a more thorough clean and reduces wear and tear on the belt, bearings and motor. The cogged belt is reinforced with glass-fiber for long-lasting durability. This powerhead also features a 5-position height adjustment to accommodate different levels of flooring and a pivot and swivel neck design for easy maneuverability.
This package is available with hoses that are either pigtail or direct connect ends. The pigtail style is for use with most inlets except Vacuflo, Kenmore and Budd. The electric pigtail cord is plugged into a nearby electric outlet. The direct connect style is compatible with all electric inlets.Features of UniversalCK350R Deluxe Electric Central Cleaning Kit Pigtail
- Powerhead Type Electric
- Hose Type Electric
Included with this Kit:
Specifications of UniversalCK350R Deluxe Electric Central Cleaning Kit Pigtail
- Hose Length (ft) 30
- Powerhead Width (in) 13
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