The Beam 155148 Power Head Motor is a replacement motor for the following Beam/Electrolux/Eureka power heads:
- BM1195B
- BM1197B
- BM1383G
- BM1386A
- BM1386AA
- BM1386AB
- BM1393AA
- BM1393AB
- Butler
- Aero III
- HD Powerhead
- Eureka
Product Q/A of Beam155148 Power Head Motor
There are 1 Questions asked and 1 Answered
- Beam - 045378
- Beam - 045376 Rugmaster
- Beam - BM1393AA Rugmaster Plus
- Beam - BM1393A Rugmaster
- Beam - 045367 Rugmaster
- Beam - 1383K Rugmaster
- Beam - 1383L Rugmaster
- Beam - 1386B Rugmaster
- Beam - BM1386A
- Beam - 045315
- Beam - BM1386AB
- Beam - 045304 Rugmaster Plus
- Beam - 045303 Rugmaster
- Beam - 045302 Rugmaster
- Eureka - E1383EZS
- Eureka - E1393EZS
- Honeywell - BM1176A
- Honeywell - BM1393A
- Frigidaire - BM1393-1
- Beam - BM1197
- Beam - BM1197B