The 117500-12 motor is manufactured by Ametek Lamb Electric. This has a tangential discharge that allows the air to bypass the electrical components out through an exhaust horn, thereby extending the life of the motor. This motor was popular for the use in high end filtered central vacuum units because of its high life expectancy and durability.
Features of Universal117500-12 Motor
- Construction Metal
- Replacement Motor Type Tangential
Specifications of Universal117500-12 Motor
- Air Watts 530
- Amps 14.4
- CFM 103
- Diameter (In) 7.2
- Stages 3
- Volts 120
- Water Lift (In) 146
Product Q/A of Universal117500-12 Motor
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- AirVac - AV4500
- M&S - AV4500
- AirVac - ZX7000
- M&S - ZX7000
- Filtex - ZX7000
- Hayden - SV90
- Beam - 397
- Beam - 397B
- Beam - 397C
- Beam - 2250F
- Beam - 2250C
- Eureka - CV2301A
- Eureka - CV1851A
- Eureka - CV2301D
- Eureka - CV2301C
- Eureka - CV2301B
- Eureka - CV2301BF
- Frigidaire - FGCV319SQ
- Hayden - Premier
- Beam - 2250
- AirVac - AV700
- M&S - AV700
- AirVac - FX1000
- M&S - FX1000
- Filtex - FX1000
- AirVac - FX4000
- M&S - FX4000
- Filtex - FX4000
- Beam - 2250A
- Beam - 2250B
- Beam - 2250D
- Beam - 397A
- WalVac - 465
- Smart - 800 The 120 volt version of this unit requires this motor.
- MD - SP3 The 120 volt version of this unit requires this motor.
- Dust Care - DCC3
- Dust Care - DCC4