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The Beam 110356 is a replacement filter to replace the permanent 11 inch weighed drop down filter bag used in a number of Beam, Honeywell, Frigidaire, Smart and Imperium central vacuum units. This self cleaning filter when you are vacuuming causes the bag with the weight inside to be drawn up into the central vacuum unit's main canister. When the power is turned off it causes the filter to fall and shake the dirt off into the dirt pail.
To check to see if this is the correct filter for your model, go to our Parts Finder.
Product Q/A of Beam110356 Filter Bag
There are 1 Questions asked and 1 Answered
- Frigidaire - 460
- Honeywell - H703A
- Honeywell - H702
- Honeywell - H502
- Beam - 460
- Beam - 520
- Beam - PU100A
- Beam - PU100B
- Beam - PU100C
- Beam - PU100D
- Beam - PU100
- Honeywell - H503A
- Smart - PU501
- Smart - PU601
- Smart - PU701
- Imperium - PU375A
- Dust Care - DCC3
- Dust Care - DCC6
- Beam - 178 2011 and newer machines.
- Smart - 361
- Beam - PU501A